About Long Island Vine Care

Welcome to Long Island Vine Care, where passion for viticulture meets expert vineyard management. Founded by Stephen Scarnato, our company is dedicated to helping Long Islanders become vineyard owners by planting private vineyards, cultivating exceptional grapes, and achieving unique wines unavailable elsewhere.

At Long Island Vine Care, we believe viticulture is more than just a science; it’s an art and a passion that we love to share. Our philosophy is rooted in education and inspiration. We aim to demystify the winemaking process, making it accessible and exciting. Whether you’re already a wine enthusiast or just getting started, we’re here to guide you through the journey from vine to wine.

Recent Press

“If you’ve always dreamed of owning your own vineyard Out East, but never found the cash or the sprawling estate, turn to Stephen Scarnato. As the Long Island Vine Care founder explains, all you need is one-tenth of an acre, and he’ll come plant and tend it. Voilà, your own micro-vineyard. The founder is already working with 30 such customers in the region.”

NEW YORK POST, May 22, 2024